_Martin_'s Articles In WinCustomize News
July 16, 2001 by _Martin_
Transform the Web into a universe of virtual 3D worlds with Adobe® Atmosphere™. With Atmosphere, you add a third dimension to the Web experience by creating realistic and immersive environments that offer a revolutionary approach to content, navigation, community, and communication. Just came across this at http://www.adobe.com/products/atmosphere/main.html. Looks pretty cool and could liven up the browsing experience. The populality of a 5MB plugin, and the ease with which Worlds ...
July 27, 2001 by _Martin_
My cock-up with transfer of DNS servers for web/email forwarding. Hopefully will be resolved soon, if MyInternet ever respond to my email !!! _Martin_
September 1, 2001 by _Martin_
Apologies all but there seem to be redirection problems. The tutorial site is therefore currently unavailable at the mis-online address but can temporarily be found here www.martinconroy.freeserve.co.uk
September 2, 2001 by _Martin_
Due to problems with old location, Stardock are now kindly hosting my DesktopX tutorial site. You can find it here https://www.stardock.com/products/desktopx/tutorial/ Thanks to Kris for sorting it out (several times) _Martin_
September 3, 2001 by _Martin_
A new section has been added to the DesktopX tutorial. 'Building Blocks' is a guide to building a theme from the beginning. Several sections are already completed, and the rest are coming Visit it here: https://www.stardock.com/products/desktopx/tutorial/build/build.htm
January 17, 2004 by _Martin_
Boring Buttons "I've upgraded my Windows 2000 Professional installation to Windows XP Professional, but I can't see the new XP style of buttons and so on. I still get the same flat Windows 2000 look, though my Start button menu layout has changed. Did I miss an option when I ran the upgrade, and do you have any recommendations as to how best customise the default setup of Windows XP, as while I quite like the new look-and-feel I think it could stand some improvement." No, you...
December 12, 2003 by _Martin_
DesktopX Pro allows you to share the power of DesktopX with your friends and family. DualZones is an example for those who need to work across two locations. It provides time and weather information for both locations. Click a location to set it, and click the top right temperature to toggle Celsius and Fahrenheit. The DesktopX version is available here ( https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=3&SkinID=3153 ), and a stand alone EXE is available for those who want to shar...
November 24, 2003 by _Martin_
Your PCs cache is usually a good thing, but where DX objects using XML feeds are concerned it can be a pain. The reason for this is that most users don't set their PC to check for a new page each time, but rather reload from the cache, especially if it's the same day. Fortunately there is a solution! The logical solution is that you ensure that the DX object checks for a new page every time. The best way to do this is to actually send the user to a different page every time....
November 12, 2003 by _Martin_
The curse of Web services has struck. The service used by many of the DesktopX weather objects, and some meters appears to have died. The weather objects have now been updated and the meters will be soon. As such, please update any weather objects you have to avoid problems. DX2 Weather ( https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=3&skinid=2725 ) DX2 Weather (Animated) ( https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=3&skinid=2828 ) Mattahan Weather ( https://...
August 13, 2003 by _Martin_
Scripting may seem daunting if you need to tweak something to your needs in DesktopX. Yesterday, I received an email from Marcel Wijnberger in the Netherlands saying he wanted a Dutch newsfeed. Despite almost no scripting experienceHe decided to experiment and almost immediately it worked. Why? XML. The structure of XML means that script based on XML is very transferable. To quote: "I just changed the url ... and to my total surprise: it works !!!!!! I have now a tickertape with the...
July 27, 2003 by _Martin_
Games on DX? Why not! The new features of DesktopX really allow huge potential in this area, and I don't just mean embedding a Flash game on your desktop. Just uploaded is a take on the simple game where the computer displays a sequence then you have to repeat it. The sequences get longer. Just go on as long as you can! You can find this game here: https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=3&SkinID=2728
February 13, 2003 by _Martin_
The Force is evidently still strong with the Star Wars legacy - Jedi is the chosen "religion" for thousands of people in Britain, according to newly released census results. The 2001 census reveals that 390,000 people across England and Wales are devoted followers of the Jedi "faith" made famous by the blockbuster films. Could Yoda appear on R4's Thought for the Day? Census officials bowed to pressure after a massive internet campaign to include Jedi on the list of chosen reli...
April 6, 2002 by _Martin_
I've noticed a continuing trend to make DesktopX themes for a variety of resolutions. I understand the inclination to do this, it appears easier to just switch resolution, move some objects and resave. However, it is in fact a poor long term strategy if you intend to improve and update your theme. Think about it - every time you tweak the theme you need to do it several times, at each resolution! DesktopX provides functionality to allow to to scale objects relative to the screen...
January 22, 2002 by _Martin_
It's unfortunate that occasionally we have to be the bearer of bad news. BoXXi, one of our most talented skinners will be leaving the scene for a while. I'm sure he would have prefered a quiet exit but that would be a waste. It's hard to believe that he'd not even used a PC until a couple of years ago. Since then his work has consistently shone (https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?AuthorID=194), including winning the DBS competition. I have only recently got to know BoXXi, bu...
September 10, 2001 by _Martin_
Have added a few more sections to this over the weekend, so the guide to building a theme from scratch is almost done. Visit the Building Blocks section to learn more. Any comments and/or suggestions please let me know