Scripting may seem daunting if you need to tweak something to your needs in DesktopX.
Yesterday, I received an email from Marcel Wijnberger in the Netherlands saying he wanted a Dutch newsfeed. Despite almost no scripting experienceHe decided to experiment and almost immediately it worked.
Why? XML.
The structure of XML means that script based on XML is very transferable. To quote:
"I just changed the url ... and to my total surprise: it works !!!!!!
I have now a tickertape with the latest newsheadlines from this dutch paper"
To see this in action for yourself download a sample newsfeed ( and change the URL in line 11 to a different XML newsfeed.
Where do you get these feeds? Try looking here:
Check out an XML feed such as this one for the BBC:
Each story, is wrapped in an tag, within which there is a and .
Look at this tech news or the latest headlines in Iceland Both follow the same format. Throw these URLs into the script and the object works with no modification!
The joy of XML